São João del Rei: caught between good-bye and I love you
São João del Rei is a short trip from Tiradentes, on a scenic cobbled street. The town is another jewel of Minas Gerais. The weather was helping and I couldn't stop taking pictures. But at the end of the day I had to leave the city and the province, quite reluctantly I must say.
It's easy to come to MG, but it's hard to leave.
This was another night of driving, but a rather different one. Full-moon illuminating my way until Lagoa Santa again, and dinner watching the lights of the lake and wondering if this was really me there at that moment. I went to bed with a certain song from the Carpenters in my mind…
Highlights of the day: None. Apart the one more week left.
Downsides: Leaving MG. Although hard to believe, leaving La Casserole…
The Pics, or the Postcards?
Next: Salvador de Bahia: be home by nine

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